Johann Burckhardt Windes, 1740

Johann Burckhardt /Windes/
Birth about 1740
Birth of a daughterAnna Katharina Windes
July 28, 1768 (aged 28 years)
Christening of a daughterAnna Katharina Windes
July 29, 1768 (aged 28 years)
Godparent: Rüppel, Marie Elisabeth, Ehefrau des Schultzen und Kirchenseniors Claus Rüppel
Marriage of a childBalthasar KohlhaseAnna Katharina WindesView this family
December 31, 1797 (aged 57 years)
Death of a daughterAnna Katharina Windes
December 17, 1848 (aged 108 years)
Johann Burckhardt Windes + … …
Birth: July 28, 1768 28Germerode
Death: December 17, 1848Vockerode