_Arthur_ Ralph Bunter Hupfeld, 19051988 (aged 83 years)

_Arthur_ Ralph Bunter /Hupfeld/
Birth April 28, 1905 38 27
Birth of a sister_Coral_ Ellen LeGallie Hupfeld
March 27, 1911 (aged 5 years)
Birth of a sisterOlive Mavis Hupfeld
August 31, 1912 (aged 7 years)
Birth of a brotherClive Alwin Hupfeld
March 22, 1915 (aged 9 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherFanny Penfold
December 25, 1928 (aged 23 years)
Burial of a father_Fredrick_ William Hupfeld
May 20, 1946 (aged 41 years)
Death of a father_Fredrick_ William Hupfeld
August 19, 1946 (aged 41 years)
Death of a sister_Coral_ Ellen LeGallie Hupfeld
August 5, 1958 (aged 53 years)
Death of a motherCaroline Ellen Nikkelson
December 26, 1961 (aged 56 years)
Death of a brother_Frederick_ Raymond Hupfeld
May 21, 1984 (aged 79 years)
Death July 7, 1988 (aged 83 years)
Family with parents
elder brother
Birth: October 4, 1897 30 19Warracknabeal victoria
Death: September 20, 1901Warracknabeal victoria
19 months
elder brother
Birth: April 21, 1899 32 21Warraknabeal
Death: September 20, 1904Warraknabeal
21 months
elder brother
Birth: January 3, 1901 34 23Warracknabael
Death: May 21, 1984Stawell
22 months
elder brother
Birth: November 1, 1902 35 25Warracknabeal
Death: July 11, 2003Harsham Victoria
3 years
Birth: April 28, 1905 38 27Warracknabeal
Death: July 7, 1988Dimboola
younger sister
Birth: March 27, 1911 44 33Warraknabeal
Death: August 5, 1958Stawell
17 months
younger sister
3 years
younger brother
Birth: March 22, 1915 48 37Batchica
Death: December 25, 2001Horsham
Family with Dorothy Milstead
Birth: April 28, 1905 38 27Warracknabeal
Death: July 7, 1988Dimboola

Notes for Arthur Ralph Bunter Hupfeld: Rex was bom in Batchica and b#gan his schooling there. He used to help out in the fruit market/shop when the family moved to Warracknabeal and he finished bis schooling in Warracknabeal. He enjoyed roaming the
Grampians with his brothers and hunting around the country-side when the family lived at Illawarra. Despite their poverty these were very happy times for the brothers. After üying a market garden with Cecil, Ray and Clive at Haven, Rex moved to Stawell to make tanks with Barker's. He stayed with his Aunt Beatrice Nikkelson at this time. He was not fed very well so this must have been very difficult for a strong, young teenager who was doing such hard, physical work. He decided to join the Vietorian Railways and so he moved back to Warracknabeal where he stayed in Jenning's Guest House. A girl called Dorothy Millstead used to pass his boarding house and in 1943 they were married. They moved to Dimboola because Rex had to go where the work was. He was promoted to Driver. They bought a home in Victoria Street and iinproved it gradually over the years with Rex doing much of the work himself. Rex was often called on to drive trains eanying troops or interns during the war, but was swom to secrecy about such trips. Their daughter Nancy was bom in Horshain hospital. On leaving the hospital mother and baby stayed at Cecil and Lila!s until they could get back to Dünboola. Dot was told to have no more children. Over the years Rex really enjoyed his garden, fishing and bee farming. He used to supply many townsfolk and shops with apples and peaches as well as honey. He got his first driving licence when he was in his 40s because he could not afford a car before then. His fir car was an Austin. Most trips were to Warracknabeal, Horsham or Stawell. Ge drove his second and last ca a ford Cortina around Dünboola until he was 93 years of age. As he aged, Rex enjoyed playing Blue Ball and Crazy VAüst. He was always a very keen reader and read hundreds of books from the local library. He had his own spec mark, which he put on the books so that he would know which books he had already read. He always enjoyed watching boxing, golf, cricket and football on TV. He used to say that the cricket was rigged and sure enough events in later years proved hiin correct. He nursed Dot in her final months even though he was crippled with arthritis himself After Dot passed away he bought an exercise bike at the age of 88 years. He wanted to keep his legs as strong as he could for as long as he could. He celebrated his 90th birthday in 1995. His health gradually declined after a fall which saw him spend two days on the floor. He could crawl to the reftigerator for drink and he managed to drag his bed clothes onto the floor. His cries for help were eventually heard by a neighbour and he was hospitalised to assist his recovery. He passed away in 1996 after being in the Dimboola hospital for about three months.